Customer Testimonials

"What can I say Brill Brill Brill! Teaching exceptional. Rooms great. Food great. Socially very friendly. What a superb weekend. I am definitely going again can't wait. Thanks for being great hosts" - John (Huddersfield) Lakes 2012


"Had a fabulous time at the Llandudno weekend and really looking forward to Blackpool" - Jennie Stones


"Top weekend.... I for one had a brilliant time! Beautiful location, lovely food, great company, fab dances.... Had a lotta fun with my room mate. Bonkers. Overall 10 outta 10.... was thoroughly entertained. Thank you. Big smile!" - Michelle Fieldhouse, Lakes 2012


"Been totally wowed by the wonderful Dance Connections weekend in Llandudno, thanks to THE most delightful hosts extraordinaire, Jatinder Singh and Tracey Barnes - and to be part of the team alongside Keith Davies, Bev Lewis, Paul at Pulse, Lisa Curlywurly Graydon, Karl Quayle and, of course Frank Newton wasn't just a whole lot of fun and laughter; it was a real privilege and honour... Trips to North Wales have never rocked like that before!" - Faye Lageu, Llandudno April 2012


"In awe again at the fabulous organisation, professionalism and friendliness of this weekend's dance fest, created and run by the inimitable Jatinder Singh and the lovely Tracey Barnes" - Faye Lageu, Blackpool June 2012